Matt Larkin
Required for ad-hoc or regular assessments in the North West of England
Action First Assessments are working on behalf of a local authority in the North West of England to tackle backlogs of DoLS applications.
We therefore need to increase the number of assessors we have available in this region.
We welcome applications from experienced assessors and can offer mentoring and support for less experienced assessors from our in-house quality assurance team that is staffed by experienced assessors.
For more information, please contact:
Neil Humphreys
Registered Social Worker /Best Interests Assessor
Senior Development Manager
07442 433 718
View our latest Best Interest Assessor jobs
Best Interest Assessors needed across the UK for guaranteed DOLS work: Register with us
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Matt and Martyn will be heading to Staffordshire for registration and client meetings on Thursday 16 June 2022.
If any Best Interest Assessors and Section 12 Doctors would like to meet us please get in touch.
We will be staying over night and leaving in the morning.
Please call us:
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